
Do you support Pet Rescue? Yes? You’ve come to the right place. With your help Aunty Taffy’s LLC assists established Pet Rescue Groups get more volunteers, more supplies, and more $$$$ so they can find more furever homes for pets discarded by their previous owners. That lowers the number of unnecessary pet euthanasia and increases the number of happy people. 

Aunty Taffy’s supports established 501(c)3 Pet Rescue groups by sharing a percentage of profits from two categories of products and services with them. First there is a wide variety of products and services for you to enjoy shown on the Vendor Affiliate page. This is still new so Vendors are still coming onboard. Nothing is showing yet but we do have an artist offering small $15 water color kits. They’re adorable and the kids/grandkids love them. Will be adding music for your events, photographers, t-shirts and plenty more. Come back often to see what’s been added. Second are the equipment rentals. No need to purchase that crate or fence if you only need it for a couple of weeks – rent here! Currently only available in the Phoenix area with plans for major expansion.

Check out the Pet Rescue Affiliate page. These groups are working with Aunty Taffy’s and all have wonderful pets waiting to move into homes just like yours. Go to their websites and visit their adoption events. You’ll find your perfect new best friend. Donate a couple of blankets or towels when you adopt. Maybe a bag of pet food. Offer to volunteer. Even if you can’t be a regular volunteer, you might have time to help at one or two events. The rewards are priceless.

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